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Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth Accelerator

Listen to the demo here:


Listen to the demo here:


Are you broke, depressed, unhealthy, in a bad relationship, or in a slump? Have you lost your job, failed to follow the career path you wanted, or fallen short of achieving your dreams? Do you know why life's challenges make you miserable? It's your thought process Negative thoughts of fear, rejection, failure, and self pity plague us all, but continuing to have these negative thoughts keeps us in that slump for what seems like eternity.

It's so hard to block out all the negativity caused by past failures. Yet if there was a way to replace negativity with positive thoughts, you could have all the abundance, money and wealth in life you could ever dream of.

Financial security, job security and earning enough while doing what you love seems to have been a common theme for many people. It’s with this in mind that this subliminal program was created.

I have created personalised audios for my clients since over a decade and decided to create an audio for you providing you with what it is that people have requested the most: abundance, wealth, prosperity and financial security.

Abundance and prosperity are available to us all. I’m personally not into material stuff but I believe when an abundance of wealth and prosperity is in the hands of someone with a big heart, a person who is generous and giving it becomes an incredible tool of contribution and positive change. Imagine the contribution you could make, the people you could help, the difference you could make to communities in need. What if the world is waiting for you to say yes to the abundance being offered?

We know that our thoughts trigger our electrical field and our feelings trigger our magnetic field. It’s our dominant thoughts and feelings that become what we radiate and therefore what we attract drawing into our world proof of our beliefs.

It’s important to also know that you are worthy and deserving of what you desire. Too often we know what we want but because of deep-seated feelings of not being enough we then believe that we are not worthy or deserving of have that which we desire.

I’ve created a mind-altering, 40 minutes, REPROGRAM your MIND and become a MAGNET for an ABUNDANCE of WEALTH and PROSPERITY audio. It’s backed with binaural music and spoken in soft dreamy voice to help you sleep a deep sound peaceful sleep. You can play it on repeat as many hours as you like.

The transformation of your life must first take place within the mind and this audio is an effective way of saturating and programming your mind with thoughts, beliefs and feeling of abundance. when we change our mind we change what we radiate and when we change what we radiate, we change what we attract into our lives.

For best results, all you need to do is play it very quietly every night for 30 nights. There’s no need to have it that loud that it disturbs your space.

The words that follow the “I AM” are extraordinarily powerful and have the capacity to create our future. This audio is packed with over 250 affirmations designed to change your limiting beliefs and past conditioning around money and prosperity thereby allowing for you to become a more conscious creator of all you desire.

Combined with the music your beliefs and life will change from the inside out.

The audio is backed with binaural sounds to guide you to the deepest of levels, the Delta state.  The delta state is a mostly unconscious state prevalent during deep sleep. This state is essential to one’s physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. The delta state is perfect for inducing profound spiritual experiences, healing and deep subconscious re-patterning. Let An abundance of wealth and prosperity be yours now.

As with any meditation, hypnosis type program, it is important that you do not operate any machinery or drive while listening.

So are you ready to reprogram your mind and become a magnet for divine prosperity?

"You become what you think about" is a universal law that has changed the lives of many people who have learned to consciously control their thinking. When your mind is flooded with positive thoughts of abundance, money and wealth then you begin to attract those things toward you.

It's no different than the reason bad things keep happening to you when you are feeling down and depressed. You get back what you are thinking. So the same is true for when you think positive thoughts of money and wealth, they have no choice but to gravitate into your life.


WARNING: Do not listen to other subliminal tracks from other channels while you listen to this track for the next two months. From the third month, you can listen to this track as a refresher once a day along with other tracks. This will enable the best results.

Do not download this program illegally, or pirate it in anyway. You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as longs your intention is to use it ONLY for yourself.

◘MP3 FORMAT FILE (320 kbps)

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