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Attract Lesbian Romance Subliminal Audio

Listen to the demo here:


Listen to the demo here:


This track is designed for lesbians.

This is a very very powerful subliminal track. Read the instructions carefully before using it.

This track is designed not just to make you an alpha female, but also take you beyond that. What's the point in being just an alpha female when all you can do is to be a dominant female in just the office or while at gym or bar with other women? You will become not just an alpha but also a very successful woman.

To be an alpha female, is not just to be the loudest or just boss about or be a dominant female. You are not aiming for that. You want to become someone who will be looked up to by other women, and make them want to be like you. Be a good example to others. Set a high standard. You will get that edge world class women have, the kind of charisma, attitude and confidence that can take you to places you have only dreamed of.

The affirmations infused in this track are not just to make you an alpha female, but to make you a very successful woman. What is the point in being an alpha when you end up as a broke loser who can only be a dominant presence in an office party?

Attract Lesbian Romance Subliminal Audio focuses on the core topics and destroy any blocks that are coming in your way to become an alpha female, instilling new positive belief systems to make you a genuine alpha female.

One of the main blocks this program destroys are fear and anxiety. The affirmations are meant to make you charismatic and attractive to everyone, someone who is likable, so that people readily listen to you despite being dominant, but that does not mean you will end up playing a nice person. You will display aggression when needed, a lioness who won't let others to mess with her.

The purpose of this program is to make you dominate and win respect from other alphas, making them feel like they are betas in your presence.

Due to the size and content of this subliminal track, we advice you to listen to this audio with caution. Listen to this track just once per day for the first one week. This will allow your mind to slowly open up to new and better ideas, then listen to this track twice for the second week, then you can increase the listening time for several hours in the following weeks.

WARNING: Do not listen to other subliminal tracks from other channels while you listen to this track for the next two months. From the third month, you can listen to this track as a refresher once a day along with other tracks. This will enable the best results.

Do not download this program illegally, or pirate it in anyway. You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as longs your intention is to use it ONLY for yourself.


◘MP3 FORMAT FILE (320 kbps)

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